A Selection of Oil Paintings: 1960 - 1961
Jimmy in the Sun 1960 (8 x 10)
Children in a Field 1960 (45 x 45)
Claire White 1960 (45 x 45)
East Eleventh Street c. 1960 (30 x 24)
The First of May 1960 (60 x 71)
Jimmy in a Black Rocker 1960 (29 x 19)
Katie and Forsythia 1960 (72 x 60)
Lizzie with Wild Roses 1960 (30 x 20)
Play Yard 1960 (40 x 24)
Portrait of Ted Carey and Andy Warhol 1960 (40 x 40)
Robert Dash 1960 (37 x 37)
South Main Street, Spring 1960 (16 x 24)
Sunset and Lillies 1960 (45 x 45)
Tulips and Milk Bottle No. 1 1960 (8 x 10)
Wheat 1960 (33 x 33)
Boathouses 1961 (33 x 45)
Calm Morning 1961 (36 x 36)
Chrysanthemums and Sage 1961 (acrylic) (36 x 36)
Edge in the Afternoon 1961 (45 x 40)
Edge in the Morning 1961 (45 x 40)
Elizabeth in a Red Chair 1961 (45 x 40)
Harbor at Great Spruce Head Island 1961 (30 x 24)
Island Beach 1961 (22 x 28)
The Long Field 1961 (Casein) (36 x 36)
Michael W. Straus 1961 (45 x 39)
November Moon 1961 (acrylic) (36 x 36)
On the Porch 1961 (46 x 40)
On the Trail 1961 (36 x 36)
Portrait of Frederica 1961 (42 x 35)
Portrait of James Schuyler 1961 (24 x 22)
Queen Anne's Lace Evening 1961 (15 x 12)
Queen Anne's Lace - Noon 1961 (15 x 13)
The Trees 1961 (45 x 40)
White Boats 1961 (30 x 45)
Wild Primroses 1961 (15 x 12)
Wild Roses 1961 (24 x 28)
Yellow Room 1961 (46 x 40)
Girl on a Swing 1961 (45 x 40)
Midday 1961 (45 x 40)